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BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft's CA-trusted Blobs landing in Debian (systemd-boot)
Microsoft ❤️ Linux

BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft's CA-trusted blobs landing in Debian (systemd-boot)

Good things come to those who wait: Microsoft ❤️ Linux and after many years of painstaking work, a signed and thus trustworthy third-party UEFI certificate for systemd-boot for Microsoft has landed in Debian Unstable. We say hallelujah and perform a :mastodance:

Hot and greasy: Microsoft's third-party CA-trusted certificates for systemd-boot have just landed in Debian Unstable. This means that nothing should stand in the way of a peaceful coexistence of Linux and Windows, even with UEFI instead of conventional BIOS (or at least much less than before!)


 A  Mastodon post some minutes ago

Nuntio vobis magnus gaudium, habemus Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA-trusted systemd-boot published in Debian unstable! It took many years of work to get here, and special thanks to Ansgar from FTP team and Philipp from DSA for the infra work!

s3n🧩net wishes great fun with filthy dualbooting
