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Kurz informiert: LibreOffice 7.5.4 erschienen

LibreOffice ist in Version 7.5.4 erschienen. Es wurden in dieser Bugfix-Version 83 Käfer eliminiert. Neue Funktionen gibt es naturgemäß nicht.

LibreOffice fährt zweigleisig: Es gibt eine Fresh-Schiene und eine Still-Schiene. Letztere ist für Organisationen gedacht, die mehr Wert auf Stabilität als auf Aktualität legen, während der Fresh-Zweig dazu dient, neue Funktionen zeitnah an den Anwender zu bringen. Die 7.5er-Reihe stellt die aktuelle Fresh-Schiene dar.

Mit Version 7.5.4 ist nun das vierte Wartungsrelease mit 83 Fehlerbehebungen erschienen (79 mit RC1, 4 mit RC2).

  1. ofz#58551 conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value [Caolán McNamara]
  2. tdf#41304 EDITING: Cell formula shown without colors, colored frames missing around referenced cells (see comment 17) [Eike Rathke]
  3. tdf#91332 Saving XLSX File Removes textbox Linked to Other Tabs [Tünde Tóth]
  4. tdf#103890 cut paste formula rewrite [Eike Rathke]
  5. tdf#104011 FORMCONTROLS. Dialog editor causes crash with Fatal Error when adding a Combo Box from FormControls toolbar. [Caolán McNamara]
  6. tdf#105931 Add function to Calc that rounds to significant digits [Eike Rathke]
  7. tdf#116451 XML Form Document: Adding two values of decimal-fields gives wrong decimalseparator [Julien Nabet]
  8. tdf#119565 FILESAVE XLSX Line property of shape inherited from theme lost [Tünde Tóth]
  9. tdf#119659 LOOKUP function >> application crashes, if "Result vector" argument is array of constant with more than one value in search direction, and search value is out of vector [Eike Rathke]
  10. tdf#124286 ROUNDDOWN is inaccurate with decimal numbers [Eike Rathke]
  11. tdf#127322 Gallery: Insert items as background does no longer work [Justin Luth]
  12. tdf#129813 automatic splits in conditional formating cant be undone with ctrl + z [Tibor Nagy]
  13. tdf#129814 conditional formatting rules split when they shouldnt [Tibor Nagy]
  14. tdf#131722 FILEOPEN DOCX Date picker control placeholder texts first character goes out of the control [Czeber László Ádám]
  15. tdf#138093 FILEOPEN DOCX Date selector control resets to year 1900 if placed inside table [Czeber László Ádám]
  16. tdf#138220 calc: calculation: roundup: rounddown: fail in 7.1 alpha [Eike Rathke]
  17. tdf#138512 CRASH: Changing vertical alignment (GTK3) [Caolán McNamara]
  18. tdf#140730 UI, keyboard: Form field properties dialog does not get keyboard focus when it opens [Michael Weghorn]
  19. tdf#144494 Resizing image causes hang (see comment 2) [Michael Stahl]
  20. tdf#144547 Editing a multi-line formula, changing a cell reference on another than the first line with drag & drop it is repeated forever in the formula's first line [Eike Rathke]
  21. tdf#146068 Calc crashes when trend line using MA(central) lacks data [Caolán McNamara]
  22. tdf#147526 Basic Macro manipulating text table crashes LibreOffice Writer [Caolán McNamara]
  23. tdf#150149 Repeated heading does not save consistently in a section with columns [László Németh]
  24. tdf#151715 Tabbed UI: opening a read-only file (XLS or XLSX from mail) and switching to edit, buttons remain disabled [Michael Stahl]
  25. tdf#151974 "Send outline to clipboard" and pasting indents previous headings [Vasily Melenchuk]
  26. tdf#152173 [macOS 13] Tooltips bring out-of-focus LO windows to second-to-last position [Patrick Luby]
  27. tdf#152246 Wrong horizontal position for the RTL content control fields in the exported PDF file [Hossein]
  28. tdf#152577 Database range disappears when deleting a sheet it doesn't belong to [Tünde Tóth]
  29. tdf#152625 Table / column / row selection cursors are invisible on black background [Rizal Muttaqin, Caolán McNamara]
  30. tdf#152974 Forms: Borders of text controls switch to 3D if form has been edited in LO and reopened in older versions [Caolán McNamara]
  31. tdf#152980 LibreOffice is modifying a cell entry (text) after saving to XLSX format [Czeber László Ádám]
  32. tdf#153004 Copying content to a table without an auto value primary key gives an error but copies the whole content [Julien Nabet]
  33. tdf#153016 Duplicated comment with action description "Comment added" in .doc file with track changes on [László Németh]
  34. tdf#153543 shell constant vbMinimizedFocus shows syntax error [Andreas Heinisch]
  35. tdf#153790 Unnecessary 3D sheet reference in end part of reference after cut and paste [Eike Rathke]
  36. tdf#153839 Exporting to xhtml results in most of the tags and content in one single line [Michael Stahl, Franklin Weng]
  37. tdf#154363 FILEOPEN PPTX Connectors are attached to the wrong side of rectangle shape [Tibor Nagy]
  38. tdf#154469 FILESAVE DOCX Hyperlink in grouped shape not exported [Tünde Tóth]
  39. tdf#154478 Fileopen DOCX: Comments empty after ToC [Jaume Pujantell]
  40. tdf#154481 Fileopen DOCX: Last pages cut after grouped shape [Attila Bakos (NISZ)]
  41. tdf#154535 XML Form Document: Useless Binding created for Root Instance [Caolán McNamara]
  42. tdf#154703 META Export DOCX flies with framePr instead of DrawingDML [Justin Luth]
  43. tdf#154734 XML Form Document: All binded fields will be shown as fields with wrong content - except fields, which have wrong content. [Julien Nabet]
  44. tdf#154761 Different table indentation, when exported to HTML, is shown identically in browser [Mike Kaganski]
  45. tdf#154773 Symbols dialog in Math does not respect dark mode [Rafael Lima]
  46. tdf#154774 Preview in Spacing dialog does not respect dark mode [Rizal Muttaqin]
  47. tdf#154792 Calc Round Down is Rounding Up for some values. [Eike Rathke]
  48. tdf#154817 Direct paragraph formatting using Paragraph dialog always adds 'Fill Gradient Name' and 'Fill Hatch Name' to paragraph direct formatting [Justin Luth]
  49. tdf#154825 Edit Sections: Hide Status is not reflected in Icons (hidden/unhidden) except Karasa Jaga and Sukapura [Rizal Muttaqin]
  50. tdf#154855 FILESAVE DOCX "Layout in table cell" setting lost with "in front of text" shape [Miklos Vajna]
  51. tdf#154859 Delete row, deleting content within row if table cell content is added with track changes record enabled & row being deleted with track changes record still enabled [László Németh]
  52. tdf#154870 Line cap style label greyed out in sidebar even though still functional and applicable [Caolán McNamara]
  53. tdf#154877 Ctrl-A does not select frame text when document contains hidden paragraph [Michael Stahl]
  54. tdf#154882 New Table Styles in Impress does not save font color in top-left cell [Maxim Monastirsky]
  55. tdf#154884 Favorite Special characters: add multiple entries of the same character [Mike Kaganski]
  56. tdf#154906 When copying a conditional format, the display results in an error in Calc [Tibor Nagy]
  57. tdf#154958 Linux, GTK: Format → Paragraph → Proportional shows default 6%. [Caolán McNamara]
  58. tdf#154976 Modified cursor icons hard to see with black page (Colibre Dark in Draw) [Rizal Muttaqin]
  59. tdf#154989 Text duplicated in XHTML export [Svante Schubert]
  60. tdf#155028 Crash in: `anonymous namespace'::lcl_PasteFlyOrDrawFormat [Noel Grandin]
  61. tdf#155029 Form control: Border color of Text controls won't be shown after load [Caolán McNamara]
  62. tdf#155037 Crash in: rtl_uString_new when attempting to copy sheet to a sheet containing VBA macro [Xisco Fauli]
  63. tdf#155046 Boolean cells in XLSX display correctly in Excel as "TRUE" or "FALSE" but incorrectly in Calc as "FALSE" or "0" [Eike Rathke]
  64. tdf#155048 AntiAliasing property in FilterData has no effect since version 7.5 [Mike Kaganski]
  65. tdf#155057 Wrong colors in some WPG graphic import: WPG1 is well rendered, but not WPG2 [Julien Nabet]
  66. tdf#155076 Mouse pointer does not change to bar when moving over text area in a comment (GTK) [Caolán McNamara]
  67. tdf#155077 CRASH exporting a dialog with language resources [Mike Kaganski]
  68. tdf#155121 XML Form Document: Impossible to create a user defined data type and set field as "not required" [Julien Nabet]
  69. tdf#155140 right click in gallery always enters into insert mode [Caolán McNamara]
  70. tdf#155144 Copying a table from Writer to Impress makes all table design on all tables in Impress disappear [Maxim Monastirsky]
  71. tdf#155161 Default instance of fonts with CFF2 table is exported blank in PDF [Khaled Hosny]
  72. tdf#155204 BASIC SF GetRows treats an empty result as an error [Jean-Pierre Ledure]
  73. tdf#155210 FILESAVE ODT Default chart row labels disappear from Writer chart [Noel Grandin]
  74. tdf#155228 Syntax error in PDF for Tab key of page object [Michael Stahl]
  75. tdf#155231 CRASH: with embedded OLE chart [Noel Grandin]
  76. tdf#155232 LibreOffice and LanguageTool extension: LibreOffice doesn't free RAM for special interface XFlatParagraph [Mike Kaganski]
  77. tdf#155238 An empty paragraph loads with different line height in 7.5 [Mike Kaganski]
  78. tdf#155241 Calc: Column Width Accepts Invalid Input Resulting in Sheet Corruption [Caolán McNamara]
  79. tdf#155349 Writer collaborative performance problems in 7.5 [Caolán McNamara]
  80. tdf#114286 Move uno command entries from module specific xcu file to GenericCommands.xcu [Julien Nabet]
  81. tdf#155346 CRASH: trying to copy/paste protected content [Michael Stahl]
  82. tdf#155350 Autocorrect does not work in comments (gtk3) [Caolán McNamara]
  83. tdf#155436 CRASH: exporting to PDF [Michael Stahl]


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